Alexander Rivkin, M.D. is a Yale-trained facial cosmetic surgeon and Assistant Clinical Professor at the David Geffen, UCLA School of Medicine. He has focused his practice, Westside Aesthetics, exclusively on providing patients with the latest in non-invasive, non-ablative cosmetic treatments.
Dr. Rivkin is a globally recognized authority on non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Known for developing and popularizing the Non-Surgical Nose Job, Dr. Rivkin is an artist and an innovator. He was trained as a Head and Neck surgeon but has devoted his career to providing patients the transformative cosmetic results they desire without the pain, expense, downtime, and risk that comes with traditional plastic surgery.
The intimate knowledge of surgical anatomy and surgical facial analysis that he gained in his training have served as the foundation for his non-surgical cosmetic innovations. This knowledge has also been critical to the safety and amazing efficacy of his procedures for over fifteen years. In addition to his signature Non- Surgical Nose Job, he has helped develop and popularize non-invasive procedures for cheek enhancement, jaw enhancement, jaw reduction, blepharoplasty, chin augmentation, and self-harm scar revision. He divides his time between patient care at Westside Aesthetics, clinical research, physician education, media appearances, and lecturing at scientific conferences throughout the world.
Contact Dr.Rivkin
At Westside Aesthetics, we offer our patients a full spectrum of the world’s most effective aesthetic treatments. Our range of anti-aging therapies create extraordinary results. We are known for our artistry, dedication to our patients, and our world-class treatments and service.
Dr. Alexander Rivkin, fonder of Westside Aesthetics, is a Yale-trained facial cosmetic surgeon and Assistant Clinical Professor at the David Geffen, UCLA School of Medicine, provides his self-created procedure completely pro-bono. “I was elated that a five- minute procedure would have such an impact on oneʼs quality of life. The five minutes it took to erase the scars that had caused so many years of shame and anxiety were the epiphany to start Roll Up Your Sleeves.”
Schedule a consultation and see what kind of non-surgical transformation we can achieve for you!
11645 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 443-5273